In the video “Living with traumatic brain Injury” we learned the really struggle many people face when they face life altering injuries to the brain after an accident. We previously knew from the Phineas Gage story about brain localization, in this video we can other examples. For example the one about a boy who got in a fight at a bar I believe and ended up so badly hurt he know has to live the rest of his life in a wheel chair and can barely communicate. This really makes me think and a bit scared because life is so fragile and an accident can really ruin someone’s life forever.
The majority of accidents occur in the frontal and temporal love because the are easy targets for impact. It such a same because the hold essential functions like reasoning and thinking.
There 3 main types of brain injuries: bleeding in the brain often referred as hemorrhage, contusion which is bruising of the brain, and finally axonal injury which is twisting of the brain.
The brain is such a valuables part of a person (who they are and how they act) it is really import for people to think twice before fighting with people because we don’t really understand or can image the consequences until they happen.
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