lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Born Genius

In the video, Born Genius that we watched in Psychology shows a Chinese boy named Mark that is an excellent piano player. Mark is like 8 years old, and has an amazing talent in the piano. Also he has perfect pitch that means he can hear and know what note it is. Mark also has a bigger cerebellum. What I can conclude from his video is that Intelligence is created. Mark wouldn’t have been a terrific piano player if it weren’t for practice. He practices up to 8 hours a day. Also another example is Jennie who parents strapped her to a toilet and keep her isolated in a room for 13 years. Because of this Jennie had to still where dippers, couldn’t talk and had the metal age of an 18 months old. This girl was not born stupid but because of her environment she missed a window for critical development and many important connections where lost. In short, intelligence is completely due to environmental factors.

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