sábado, 2 de abril de 2011
In the video , we learn what like to have narcolepsy and how this sleeping disorder interfers with your life. Narcolepsy is illness in which you fall asleep at any given point of your day life, especially if your experiencing something emotional. This man named Mohammed from England has to have a person to take care of him fulltime due to the fact that he can fall at asleep at any given moment which means if he would be walikng the street and falls asleep he could be killed by cars so it is crucial for his survival to have someone to take care of him. Because he falls alseep in wierd and random places people around him think poorly of him , getting the idea that he is on drugs or drunk. People do not know him or his conditions so it is unfair for him to be judge that way. Something very dangerous that Mohammed also has is Cartaplexy that is when he loses control of the muscles. This obviously affects your day and your life. You cant engage in normal activities because you risk the danger of falling asleep and killing yourself. Nor can you stay in a romantic relationship so that tends to make you withdraw from society. It is really difficult to have this illness and it takes a lot of strength and will to live to make it to the end of every day.
domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011
Why Do We Dream?
The week we saw a video that informed us about dreaming and sleep.
Are dreaming are considered to reveal so much about who we are that sharing your dreams is considered as practically giving out personal informations and details of our life. Across the globe and in different culture dreams are considered meaningful, like they give a message. It is believed that when we dream are conscience is active so they express are true feelings or thoughts that would be otherwise ignored or forgotten. Nightmares however has the purpose of preparing us for bad events we might have to face later in life. In a way the prepare us from having a total breakdown and traumatic experience in which we couldn't ever recover, so we dream and our brain prepares our body for the probable event.
We dream in a stage called REM (rapid eye movement). This is a stage where our muscle tone goes down to zero so we cant act out our dreams. Nevertheless, there is some people who suffer REM Sleep Disorder, where the brain stem doesn't paralyzes the muscles during REM. With this scientist where able to see what we dream off and learn from these people.
The reason the majority o f dreams are negative is because of the closeness to the amigdula (a part of the brain that deals with intense fear, anger and aggression). In an experiment, the person that was waken up during REM had negative emotions.
One of the most interesting facts I learned from this video is that if we want to remember our dreams , we just have to say "I want to remember my dream" before falling asleep and you probably will. I personally have done that three times and all three time I have woken up and can remember somewhat what I dreamt.
Are dreaming are considered to reveal so much about who we are that sharing your dreams is considered as practically giving out personal informations and details of our life. Across the globe and in different culture dreams are considered meaningful, like they give a message. It is believed that when we dream are conscience is active so they express are true feelings or thoughts that would be otherwise ignored or forgotten. Nightmares however has the purpose of preparing us for bad events we might have to face later in life. In a way the prepare us from having a total breakdown and traumatic experience in which we couldn't ever recover, so we dream and our brain prepares our body for the probable event.
We dream in a stage called REM (rapid eye movement). This is a stage where our muscle tone goes down to zero so we cant act out our dreams. Nevertheless, there is some people who suffer REM Sleep Disorder, where the brain stem doesn't paralyzes the muscles during REM. With this scientist where able to see what we dream off and learn from these people.
The reason the majority o f dreams are negative is because of the closeness to the amigdula (a part of the brain that deals with intense fear, anger and aggression). In an experiment, the person that was waken up during REM had negative emotions.
One of the most interesting facts I learned from this video is that if we want to remember our dreams , we just have to say "I want to remember my dream" before falling asleep and you probably will. I personally have done that three times and all three time I have woken up and can remember somewhat what I dreamt.
domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011
The purpose of this experiment is to discover the impact of sensory depravation as it was use as a weapon in many countries especially now that the us is in a war on terror.
This method was first used in the Korean War where many us and Canadians where put in solitary and it seems as they where brain washed.
During there time in solitary, the people would start to pace around the room for hours at a time. They would get very anxious and desperate , waking up in the middle of sleep. One subject said that he would become doubtful of everything, Are there people out there? even , Am I alive?
It became clear that the brain started to slow down.
The results of the test where really bad. In the Visual Memory test, the people struggled to remember and concentrate . It was said that there memory capacity went down 36%. In the Information test, the one where the subject were ask to say the color of the word instead of what it said. The people had a lot of difficulty controlling there urges to say the color written. It took them 69% percent longer and they made 6 times many more mistakes.
It conclusion, we need sensory stimulation to me able to function properly. It is never good to be left completely Alone.
#1 Synesthesia: it is a condition where one sense such as seeing is leads to the occurring impression of another sense like taste. Synesthesia can involve any of the senses however it is rare that it involves three or more senses. Although the true reason behind however scientists believe that it happens because some neurons are "crossed-wired" and the neurons that are suppose to be connected to one sense are connected to another.
There is no establish method to diagnosis it however some characteristic of synesthesia are: it is involuntary, projected( ex. you see the color rather than imagine it), consistent (it happens every time)and memorable ( ex. it is always color brown to the number 4). [Neuroscience for Kids]
#3 Ordinal-Linguistic Personification: when people link animate qualities like personality and gender to linguistic units like letters, numerals, days and months.[MITpress]
The people that have this type of condition can go to be math geniuses, but only if they understand it. Because of this ability they are able to do very complex mental arithmetic. However, it would be impossible for them to explain the process.[babycentre]
#5 Sound-Color Synesthesia: In this type of synesthesia that when they hear something the person sees color shapes (called photisms).[Elizabethtown College]
#6 Lexical-Gustatory Synesthesia: is a form of synesthesia that the person relates a word's meaning to a certain taste. The curious thing is that the word's meaning not the sound or spelling that triggers the taste , studies shown.[Live Science]
viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011
Mental Abilities: Savant, Genius and Autism
1. Explain in detail what "savant syndrome" means.
Savant Syndrom is a condition where a person has mental disabillity and might even have autism, however theres one area where they exceed. Savant skills exist only in a narrow range of activites like : music, mathematics, memory, art, calander calculating and mechanital/spartial skills (the abillity to measure distances exactly). Despite there amazing ability in one area, they are cosidered retarted in other areas of study and can't take care of themselves. ( Treffert, Donald A. MD)
2. What does genius mean? Explain the difference between genius and savant.
3. What is a stroke and how could it affect your mental functioning?
4. What is a functional MRI and how does it help us understand brain activity?
An MRI or a magnetic resonance imaging is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure done to obtain detailed sectional images of the internal structure of the body. (dictionary.com)It help us understand brian activity by letting us see the anatomy of the brian better and helping us determine precisely which part of the brain is handling critical functions such as thought, speech, movement and sensation, which is called brain mapping.(RadiologyInfo.org)
5. What is the corpus callosum and what role does it play in your brain's activity?
It is a band of nerve fibers located deep in the brain that connects the two halves (hemispheres) of the brain. The corpus callosum helps the hemispheres share information. (webmd.com)
6. What is epilepsy and how might it affect your brain's abilities?
Epilepsy is a neurological condition, which affects the nervous system. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. The seizures in epilepsy may be related to a brain injury or a family tendency, but most of the time the cause is unknown.
People with epilepsy commonly report having problems with their memory. It also may affect language, thinking and Executive functions. (epilepsy.com)
7. What is autism?
Autisim is a developmental disorder of children, characterized by impaired communication, excessive rigidity, and emotional detachment. (dictionay.com)
8. What is Asperger's Syndrome?
Asperger's Syndrom is similar to autism. It is characterized by poor social interactions, obsessions, odd speech patterns, and other peculiar mannerisms.(kidshealth.org)
2. What does genius mean? Explain the difference between genius and savant.
Genius is defined as "an extraordinarily intelligent person who breaks new ground with discoveries, inventions or works of art." A genius work changes people's perspective of the world or their specific field . In short, a genius must be intelligent and also be able to use there intelligence in a productive or impressive way. (Wilson, Tracy V.)
The diffrence between genius and savant is that a genius is capable of being average or above averga in all areas of there lives however sa savant is retarted in all areas of his life except one in which is exceeds.
3. What is a stroke and how could it affect your mental functioning?
According to dictionary.com "a stroke is a blockage or hemorrhage of a blood veesel leading to the braun, causing inadequate oxygen supply and, depending on the extent and location of the abnormality, such symptoms as weakness, paralysis of parts of the body, speech difficulties, and, if severe, loss of consciousness or death. "
The effect it could have in your mental functioning are : problems using language, vision and perception problems, problems with memory, thinking, attention, learning, depression , and other mental activities.this could happen because of the injury the brian recived from the stroke.(National Caregivers Library)4. What is a functional MRI and how does it help us understand brain activity?
5. What is the corpus callosum and what role does it play in your brain's activity?
It is a band of nerve fibers located deep in the brain that connects the two halves (hemispheres) of the brain. The corpus callosum helps the hemispheres share information. (webmd.com)
6. What is epilepsy and how might it affect your brain's abilities?
Epilepsy is a neurological condition, which affects the nervous system. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. The seizures in epilepsy may be related to a brain injury or a family tendency, but most of the time the cause is unknown.
People with epilepsy commonly report having problems with their memory. It also may affect language, thinking and Executive functions. (epilepsy.com)
7. What is autism?
Autisim is a developmental disorder of children, characterized by impaired communication, excessive rigidity, and emotional detachment. (dictionay.com)
8. What is Asperger's Syndrome?
Treffert, David."The savant syndrome: an extrordinary. A synopsis: past, present, future" Wisconsin Medical Society.http://www.wisconsinmedicalsociety.org/system/files/savant_article.pdf
Wilson, Tracy V. "How Genius Work" http://people.howstuffworks.com/genius.htm
lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011
Born Genius
In the video, Born Genius that we watched in Psychology shows a Chinese boy named Mark that is an excellent piano player. Mark is like 8 years old, and has an amazing talent in the piano. Also he has perfect pitch that means he can hear and know what note it is. Mark also has a bigger cerebellum. What I can conclude from his video is that Intelligence is created. Mark wouldn’t have been a terrific piano player if it weren’t for practice. He practices up to 8 hours a day. Also another example is Jennie who parents strapped her to a toilet and keep her isolated in a room for 13 years. Because of this Jennie had to still where dippers, couldn’t talk and had the metal age of an 18 months old. This girl was not born stupid but because of her environment she missed a window for critical development and many important connections where lost. In short, intelligence is completely due to environmental factors.
domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011
Accidental Genius
This video is practically about savants. Savants or idiot savants are people who is considered to be mentally handicapped but displays brilliance in a specific area, especially one involving memory. [Mac’s Dictionary] There are two categories of savants: Gifted savant and prestigious savants. Gifted savants are savants do something useful but not wow. An example is playing the piano. Prestigious savant is prodigies of something that can do something consider the best of anything even is he wasn’t mentally impaired. There was a man called Tommy that after two arteries in this brain exploded and started to bleed into this brain causing pressure into his frontal and temporal lobe he started compulsively painting. He even became so hard to live with, his wife left him. Another savant has the most amazing reading skill and memory. He can read 500 words a second, and can remember EVERY SINGLE THING he reads. Still I believe you develop these skills by practice, these people overcame the difficulties that came with there mental illness.
In this video, introduces Susan who has the brain of a genius, She was the first female grand master ( “ a chess player of the highest class, especially one who has won an international tournament.”[Dictionary in Mac’s]). She is proof that a any ordinary child can become a genius. As a child, her father decided that a specialized education under “fortunate circumstance” her child would be a genius. She chooses to specialize in Chess. This was in the 1960’s where chess dominated by men thought women couldn’t handle chess. This was because women brains are usually smaller and say more specific features and men see the bigger picture. However, Susan proved them wrong when she beat so many men at chess. Susan is also very good at chess die to practice not because of genes. So in conclusion, intelligence is a skill that you have to develop. Unlike what people think intelligence is not born with but it due to environmental factors.
domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011
Homosexuality: born that way or made? That is the question addressed by the video on 60 minutes. And they researched and supported both possibilities.
The video shows these two twins Jared and Adam. Jared is all-masculine but Adam has childhood gender non-conformity, which is when a child acts like if he were from the opposite sex. These twins were like 8 at the time of the video so this supports the theory that you can be born being gay.
To be gay it has to be something from the brain, so you can act gay and not be gay. For example, jail rapping, it doesn’t mean those men are gay they jut have no women around so the rape men to satisfy there needs.
No in conclusion, Personally I believe that it not entirely genetic or environment a bit of both. You can be genetically have traits that make you gay but like Adam that has traits that only girls usually carry. However, I think the environment also plays a part like for example if you are raped by a man you can be left so traumatized that you would prefer the company of women. Also if identical twins have the same genes then how can one be gay and the other not? It like it is because of environmental factors.
domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011
In the video MIND OF A MURDER, Dr. Lewis presents a different idea that murder simply murder because they are born evil. Instead she presents the argument that murders are made not born. She gets this from interviewing over 200 murders and as a child psychologist she saw this in juvenile delinquents. What she found was that several murders had more hospital visits , were undernourished and neurological damage.
Personally, I believe Dr. Lewis with that murders are made not born. No one is born evil; we are born innocent and pure with no bad intentions. It is our childhood, parents and brain anatomy that shape us into becoming the people we are today. This is supported by the story of Terrance, whom one day snapped and killed his family after wife flirted with ex-husband. After this they discovered, he had bipolar disorder, manic depression and was borderline retarded. This was due to injuries in sports and abusive childhood.
The video relates back to what we learned how injuries to the brain can effect our behavior to a point where we can become murders. Because from the study Dr.Lewis realized that some murders had more hospital visits and accidents in their childhood. This supports the theory that murders are made by their environment. If you grew up in a house where your mother was an alcoholic, couldn't keep a job and your father hit your mother it is very probable you will end up with a very messed up idea of family. And will be the same way when you grow up, it unavoidable. This is a very scary thought because people don’t really know each other and what they are capable even some people themselves what they are capable of. Because these brain injuries are not like from the previous video they don’t show the effects until it’s to late.
In the video “Living with traumatic brain Injury” we learned the really struggle many people face when they face life altering injuries to the brain after an accident. We previously knew from the Phineas Gage story about brain localization, in this video we can other examples. For example the one about a boy who got in a fight at a bar I believe and ended up so badly hurt he know has to live the rest of his life in a wheel chair and can barely communicate. This really makes me think and a bit scared because life is so fragile and an accident can really ruin someone’s life forever.
The majority of accidents occur in the frontal and temporal love because the are easy targets for impact. It such a same because the hold essential functions like reasoning and thinking.
There 3 main types of brain injuries: bleeding in the brain often referred as hemorrhage, contusion which is bruising of the brain, and finally axonal injury which is twisting of the brain.
The brain is such a valuables part of a person (who they are and how they act) it is really import for people to think twice before fighting with people because we don’t really understand or can image the consequences until they happen.
miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011
We live in a new age, where technology advances at an amazing speed each day and where we constantly having to work hard to keep up with the new technological advances. MRI or magnetic resonance imaging is one of the many new medical technologies that have help understand and see the human body better. Currently the MRI is able to read people mind by performing test where the person is a shown picture and the computer process that the person processes the picture. Later it can show you what you where thinking. Amazing or Scary? These new technological advances help us unlock secretes in the brain and how they think but what will happen when one day for example they can really “read people’s minds”. Are minds are suppose to be our private, our little secret island but with technological advance that can read out mind is it the end of the seclusion in our minds? Is it even ethical? It is fundamental for a person to have privacy and be able to keep their thoughts to themselves. What is to happen if we are forced to share our minds? Chaos, no one is going to let the government or doctors read people’s minds against there will, it is probable that new laws will be created to keep the mind private for the people.
viernes, 21 de enero de 2011
Inside the Teenager's Brian: Video Reponse
We have just finished wacthing the documentary about the Teen Brain and this is what I learned: that because our frontal lobe in not fully development nor will be until we enter are early 20's we are not cable of making fully rational decisions. This is why teenagers have what is considered reckless behavior like experimenting with drugs and alchol and practcing dangerous sports. A teeanger also lacks the ability to fully think and understand the consequences of an event which lead to mistakes. However, I believe this mistakes are what makes us become adults because we gain expirience and learn from the mistakes.
Because I am a teenager I could relate with what was shown in the video. Firstly, I could relate with the teen that said that life was boring. I constantly find myself bored with my life and wanting to make it more intresting or dreaming with the future when I won't be in such a rut of school and boring activities. Also I can relate with the rapid change of emotions or as me and my friend named it bipolarness. One moment we are happy then the other we are angry, then we are crying and then we are laughing on the floor. This kind of bipolar disorder can also be seen with our relationship especially friends were we love and hate them.
But the most important similarity withthe video was the wierd sleeping pattern. I also suffer from insomia at night and it takes me a while to fall asleep then in the morning it takes me forever to get up. During the weekend I could sleep all day and sometimes I do.
Inconclusion, I could relate to the video alot and most importantly I learned why it all is happening. Now I understand why and can learn to live and improve postively in life.
Because I am a teenager I could relate with what was shown in the video. Firstly, I could relate with the teen that said that life was boring. I constantly find myself bored with my life and wanting to make it more intresting or dreaming with the future when I won't be in such a rut of school and boring activities. Also I can relate with the rapid change of emotions or as me and my friend named it bipolarness. One moment we are happy then the other we are angry, then we are crying and then we are laughing on the floor. This kind of bipolar disorder can also be seen with our relationship especially friends were we love and hate them.
But the most important similarity withthe video was the wierd sleeping pattern. I also suffer from insomia at night and it takes me a while to fall asleep then in the morning it takes me forever to get up. During the weekend I could sleep all day and sometimes I do.
Inconclusion, I could relate to the video alot and most importantly I learned why it all is happening. Now I understand why and can learn to live and improve postively in life.
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